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Miscellaneous codes

On this page we are introducing some formatting codes and live examples of utilization.

Static chart [chart]...[/chart]

[chart=320, 256]
{ "elements": [

{ "type": "line", "values": [ 2, 2, 2, 6, 3, 4, 1, 3, 5 ], "dot-style": { "type": "dot", "dot-size": 5, "colour": "#DFC329" }, "width": 4, "colour": "#DFC329", "text": "Line 1", "font-size": 10 },

{ "type": "line", "values": [ 7, 8, 8, 7, 11, 12, 13, 7, 12 ], "dot-style": { "type": "star", "dot-size": 5 }, "width": 1, "colour": "#6363AC", "text": "Line 2", "font-size": 10 },

{ "type": "line", "values": [ 16, 17, 14, 17, 18, 18, 18, 16, 16 ], "width": 1, "colour": "#5E4725", "text": "Line 3", "font-size": 10 } ],

"title": { "text": "Three lines example" },
"y_axis": { "min": 0, "max": 20, "steps": 5 } }
Flash plugin or Javascript are turned off. Activate both and reload to view the object

Static chart [chart]...[/chart]

[chart=320, 256]
{ "elements": [ { "type": "bar_sketch", "colour": "#81AC00", "outline-colour": "#567300", "offset": 5, "values": [ 6, 7, { "top": 3, "tip": "Hello #val#" }, 3, 4, { "top": 3, "tip": "Hello #val#" }, { "top": 3, "tip": "Hello #val#" }, 7, { "top": 3, "tip": "Hello #val#" }, { "top": 3, "tip": "Hello #val#" }, 10, 11 ] } ],
"title": { "text": "Wed Aug 26 2009", "style": "{color: #567300; font-size: 14px}" } }
Flash plugin or Javascript are turned off. Activate both and reload to view the object

Static chart [chart]...[/chart]

[chart=320, 256]
{"elements":[{"type":"bar_glass","values":[9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1]}],"title":{"text":"Wed Jan 21 2009"}}
Flash plugin or Javascript are turned off. Activate both and reload to view the object

Static chart [chart]...[/chart]

[chart=320, 256]
{ "elements": [

{ "type": "line", "values": [ 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 3, 2.5 ], "dot-style": { "type": "hollow-dot", "colour": "#FBB829", "dot-size": 4 }, "width": 1, "colour": "#FBB829", "tip": "Gold #val#", "text": "Mr Gold", "font-size": 10 },

{ "type": "line", "values": [ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 ], "dot-style": { "type": "star", "colour": "#8000FF", "dot-size": 4 }, "width": 1, "colour": "#8000FF", "tip": "Purple #val#", "text": "Mr Purple", "font-size": 10, "loop": true } ],

"title": { "text": "Radar Chart" },

"radar_axis": { "max": 5, "colour": "#DAD5E0", "grid-colour": "#DAD5E0", "labels": { "labels": [ "Zero", "", "", "Middle", "", "High" ], "colour": "#9F819F" }, "spoke-labels": { "labels": [ "Strength", "Smarts", "Sweet Tooth", "Armour", "Max Hit Points", "foo", "bar" ], "colour": "#9F819F" } }, "tooltip": { "mouse": 1 },

"bg_colour": "#ffffff" }
Flash plugin or Javascript are turned off. Activate both and reload to view the object

Implicit formatting


how are
you doing?

- one bulleted item

- another one


this one - should not create bullets. not one, nor two

> quoted from
| a previous message
hello world

how are you doing?

this one - should not create bullets. not one, nor two
> quoted from
| a previous message

Hint [hint=<help popup>]...[/hint]

YACS is based on international standards, including [hint=eXtended Markup Language]XML[/hint].YACS is based on international standards, including XML.

Newline ...[nl]...

But where will this rabbit be in some minutes?[nl]I don't know, but it depends also on the turtle speed...But where will this rabbit be in some minutes?
I don't know, but it depends also on the turtle speed...

Ruler ...[---] or [___]...

But where will this rabbit be in some minutes?[---]I don't know, but it depends also on the turtle speed...But where will this rabbit be in some minutes?
I don't know, but it depends also on the turtle speed...

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Our newsletter has been published! [new]Our newsletter has been published! (new)  

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Numerous surfers like this section of our site [popular]Numerous surfers like this section of our site (popular)  

Flags [be] [ca] [ch] [de] [en] [es] [fr] [gb] [gr] [it] [pt] [us]

[be] [ca] [ch] [de] [en] [es] [fr] [gb] [gr] [it] [pt] [us]

Please note that actual rendering depends on the selected skin.