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Smileys are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling. If you have used email or Internet chat, you are likely familiar with the smilie concept.

Let face it, sometimes words alone do not suffice. Adding a winking smilie, for instance, may help you clarify that you are joking.

Use your smilies sparingly, though -- if overused, smilies can be downright annoying.

Here is the list of codes that are automatically converted into images by this server.

What to typeEmotionFeatured image
8-) :cool:sunglass dude
:-) :smile:smile
::-) :rolleyes:roll eyes
;-) :wink:wink/sarcasm
:-D :cheesy:cheesy
:lol:rolling on the floor, laughing lol
:-P :tongue:tongue
:-( :frown:frown
>:( :angry:angry
:basket:to the basket basket
:bomb:bomb bomb
:pissed:pissed off pissed
:insult:enough is enough insult
:gun:i will shot you gun
:chainsaw:i will kill you chainsaw
:'( :'-( :cry:cry
:-o :shocked:shocked
:horror:ekk/horror! horror
:-X :sealed:sealed
:paranoid:this is an unsafe place paranoid
??? :confused:confused
:-/ :undecided:undecided
:-[ :embarassed:embarassed
:blush:you make me blush
:alien:alien alien
:bounce:bounce bounce
:hot:hot bounce hot
:angel:angel angel
:clap:clap clap clap, etc. clap
:king:The King king
:beer:let have some beer beer
:bionic:some electronic inside bionic
:idiot:shaky brain idiot
:ghost:ghost ghost
:frog:frog frog
:female:female female
:male:male male
:colored:colored colored
:chinese:asian salutation chinese
:crazy:this does not make sense crazy
:naive:you are so naive naive
:sick:feeling bad sick
:dead:I am killed dead
:wall:we will hit the wall wall
:hip:hip hip
:joker:joker joker
:drool:I would like to get it drool
:peeping:peeping peeping
:yak:bla bla bla yak
:shouting:i want to be sure you are hearing me shouting
:reading:reading reading
:sniping:sniping sniping
:clock:clock clock
:pet:pet pet
:dog:dog dog
:cat:cat cat
:email:email email
:film:film film
:note:note note
:phone:phone phone
:present:present present
:rose:rose rose
:unlove:unlove unlove
:sleep:a little nap sleep
:sunshine:sunshine sunshine
:thinking:thinking thinking
:hail:god bless you hail
:yippee:i am feeling so glad yippee
:candle:candle candle
:medal:this deserves a full medal
:half_medal:this deserves half of a medal
:no:you should not do that no
:forbidden:please stop forbidden
:wave:good bye wave
:flush:flush and forget it flush
:shit:it stinks shit
:diablotin:the dark side of The Force diablotin
:trooper:Star wars trooper
:vader:Star wars vader
:santa:Santa Claus santa
:peace:peace peace
:yinyang:yin yang yinyang
:heart:with love heart
:sweetheart:lovely sweetheart
:-* :kiss:kiss
:love:I want you love
:hearts:with (more) love hearts
:cake:share a cake cake
:camera:take a shot camera
:cup:a cup of coffee cup
:cocktail:have a cocktail cocktail
:party:have a party
:fairy:once upon a time... fairy
:? & :?2question &
:! & :!2warning &
:mac: :tux: :win:operating systems mac tux win
:out:Ok, i leave out