Where to look for information?
- Review your profile and change it if you like.
- Go to the front page of this site.
- Site map
- Categories
- Index of most recent pages, files, threads and people
- Full-text search
How to format text in pages?
To ease the production of text YACS has a little code interpreter. You will find in pages listed below descriptions of these codes, but also examples of their visual rendering on your system.
- Smileys available at this system
- In-line (bold, underline, ...)
- Links (and shortcuts, buttons, ...)
- Lists (with bullets, numbered, ...)
- Blocks (indentation, script, quote, ...)
- Tables (with headers, with grids, use CSV data, ...)
- Titles and questions (and table of content)
- Dynamic queries (updates, content, ...)
- Widgets (twitter, calendar, ...)
- Miscellaneous codes (charts, ...)